Book turfs, pitches or courts 24/7
Find coaches, instructors and referees near you
Keep in touch with your friends, with our communities
Discover everything near you, using interactive Maps
Join classes - from Yoga, to weight loss, to healthy diet plans
Find any equipment you might need, on our marketplace
Have an academy, or run a gym? You can work with us!
Track friendly games in real time, with our scorecards
How Our App Works
Sign up and login
Sign up with a one-step process,
and login with your phone!
Select any of our products
If you see something that excites you, book it!
Whether it's a turf, a gym membership, or a coaching session, we're here to fulfil your sporting dreams.
Browse our categories
Browse and select any one of our categories - turfs, gyms, classes, tournaments, or anything you like!
Pay within the app
Pay within the app, in the most convenient way! We offer multiple options, including cards, cash and UPI.